Hi, my name is Nina and this is my first blog but it is something I’ve been thinking about starting for a while. I did not think I should because I do not have any sort of professional reason but I guess I don't really need that. But I would still like to give you my story. I started to buy plants in middle school and early high school but I only really bought succulents cause everyone used to say they were easy plants. Although that can be true I would always overwater them and they probably did not get enough light either. The summer leading to my freshman year of college I decided to get a few plants other than the succulent I managed to keep alive, and this is where the journey really began. I slowly started to acquire more plants throughout my freshman and sophomore year, and also killed some, and then quarantined happened. I began to get extremely interested in houseplant care propagation and collecting. I watched tons of youtube videos and tried to learn as much as possible and it became a very important part of my life. I find plants so interesting and I love watching them grow and change. I currently have about 30 plants and I would love to have so many more. So now that we have some background let's get into some important things that I try to keep in mind.
We all have our flaws and we are different kinds of plant parents. We either over water, underwater, give them too much light, over fertilize, or maybe they just do not have the conditions they want and need. And that is okay as long as you can learn and grow from your mistakes. There is a stigma in the plant community that all of your plants have to be perfect, or some plants are “impossible” to kill and that is just not how it is. You can kill any plant if you do not know how to take care of it and you should not be embarrassed if you do kill a plant. Because here is the thing, they are just plants, obviously you want to try to keep them alive but it is not the end of the world, and a lot of plants are very replaceable. When I really got into house plants I found they gave me something else to think about and take care of that was very low stress, and pretty low maintenance as well. So stressing over my plants is not something I do because that defeats the purpose of having them for me. They are also for beauty and aesthetic though so I understand wanting your plants perfect but life is not life that so why should your plants need to be.
With that being said I hope that these posts will be helpful and fun to read and in each post I will be linking to one of my favorite plant people on Youtube because I learned most of what I know from them.
This posts plant youtuber is Planterina!
Also all pictures that are used are my own personal plants and photos.
Mistletoe Cactus(Rhipsalis Burchellii)